When we lived in Michigan we loved to plant a vegetable garden every Spring.
We worked hard at putting
good things into the soil to help the plants get the nutrients they needed to
grow, to be strong and healthy. We were
strategic in where we placed the garden to get the maximum sun. Over time, we realized that different plants
had different needs. Some plants needed
more sun, some needed more water, some needed extra attention to grow.
I would start off every growing season with this beautifully tilled garden without any weeds. However, despite all of my planning and efforts, weeds
still grew. And if I wasn't diligent at removing them by the root they would
take over the garden.
God reminded me that many of
the same principles I learned about gardening also applied with people. Because the children and widows we serve have
different needs, we use our 5 Point Child Development Plan to assess and then address their
Spiritual, Physical, Educational, Emotional, Social needs. It's also helpful for me to remember that people, just like plants, grow at different rates. So much depends on the soil, and
conditions surrounding the plants (people).
We were at Rossy's in Bonfil
on Saturday, and she was singing this song
in Spanish with the children.
Through You, I can do anything
I can do all things
For it's You who gives me
Nothing is impossible....

She let the song play over and over and by the end of the day the kids were singing it without any music.
I love to see them singing, and even though they might not fully understand the words...the truth that we believe....the seed that was planted...tells them that nothing is impossible for God!
Nada es imposible!
Earlier this week I took Jeny to hear Nick Vijuicic speak. Nick Vijuicic is a man that was born without arms and legs. He shared his story about how his faith in God gives him purpose. While Nick was speaking - planting seeds in Jeny - I was praying that her faith in God would grow. That she would learn to trust Him, and love Him with all of her heart, soul, and mind. I don't know all of Jeny's emotional needs, but God does, and I can trust that He will use the words spoken that night to grow the seeds of perseverance, courage, and gratefulness in her heart.

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