Sunday, September 1, 2019

The Bullseye (Video Update #2)

The Bullseye

(Kevin's family. Kevin is in the orange shirt.)

For this month's video update, we introduce you to a diagram that helps explain how we approach our work with families. We also introduce you to Kevin, who allowed us to have a front-row seat to what happens when a mom loves her son, someone listens to her struggle, and then walks with her and Kevin to address the root problems.

We will refer to this diagram in the video.


*I do apologize for my (Erick's) awkwardness in front of the camera. And never mind that the remote didn't work quite right at the end. I know I need to keep my day-job.
    Click here for a little of Kevin's story
    • Julie still tested positive for a SIBO infection. The treatment of antibiotics has had a positive effect on how she's feeling.  
    • Nick got a teaching assistantship at IU, and continues to thrive at the university.
    • Eliza is loving her job and the people on her team.
    • One of our Indian national staff (Santosh), after four trips to the government, was finally able to get them to start fogging regularly in the slum for mosquitos. Malaria and dengue are a constant threat there. 
    • Someone we know well and love has sponsored one of the children of a Strong Family in India.
    • The English and Spanish translations of the training materials were delivered and they look great. 
    • We've almost completed a version of the parent curriculum that is specifically written for non-literate individuals. (Most in India and some in Haiti will be non-literates.)
    • Please continue to pray for Julie's health as she has now started a more restricted diet that will bring some challenges in India and Haiti. Pray that this treatment plan will be the one that brings full health back to her gut. 
    • Pray for the families in India, that they would find hope and be motivated to attend the parent classes. 
    • Pray for 14 year old Anitha as her ability to receive an education is being threatened by the need to work and support her family. (India)
    • Pray for 15 year old Kajal who needs much more tutoring before she can enter 10th grade. She is feeling the pressure to quite school. (India)
    • Please continue to pray that the conditions in Haiti won't deteriorate so we can train there in October.
    • Pray for safe travel for us: Sept 9-28 in India, and Oct. 10-28 in Haiti. 
    • Please continue to pray that our time in India in September is fruitful as we continue working with our staff and the Strong Families in the slum.
    • Please continue to pray for favor and wisdom as we begin working with our Back2Back Cincinnati staff to come alongside families in the the at-risk urban community of Price Hill. (All it took was meeting some of the families in the neighborhood, and our hearts are already hurting and hoping for them.)
    He has shown you, O man, what is good.
    And what does the Lord require of you?
    But to do justly, to love mercy
    And to walk humbly with your God.