Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Power of words + encouragement

We have parenting classes once a month in Bonfil (urban community) where the parents learn various skills.  Recently, I attended one of the classes and the topic was about modeling the behavior you want to see from your children.  Through a DVD curriculum, they watched parents demonstrate positive interactions and negative interactions, and the impact that negative responses can have on their children.  They were so engaged and asked really good questions.  It was obvious they wanted to learn more.  For most of these Mom’s they’ve never taken any kind of parenting class before, or read any parenting books.  For many of them this is new information and a new way to think. All they know is what was modeled for them, for good and for bad. One principle they learned was about how, if they wanted their children to demonstrate respect, the parent also needed to show respect in the words they used, and how they used them. I was reminded of the verse in Proverbs 18:21 –
‘Words kill, words give life: they’re either poison or fruit – you choose.” I love that the parents in Bonfil learned this truth and will hopefully put it into practice.
I also love seeing words of life being spoken to the children we serve through the mission teams that come.  It’s always a beautiful thing to see mission team members speaking words of encouragement to the children, encouraging them to try new things, to overcome fear….whispering to them that they matter, that they are seen & heard.  Here are some pictures I am so fortunate to see & experience.