Sunday, September 25, 2011

12 days in.......

So we arrived in MX on Sept 8 after a week of travelling. Julie said it felt a little strange having one-way tickets to MX. But this is our new home. And it's great to be here. We have our apt and have bought most of our appliances, but since the container with all of our "stuff" in it has not arrived, we're still living with our generous friends and co-laborers, the Matt and Julie Cooper. We've already had a full 12 days. Much of our time has been spent either taking care of visa/residency stuff, getting our apt, and most importantly, serving with two teams, at Casa Hogar San Jose, Cass Hogar Esperanza, the DIF (an emergency shelter for kids) and a small rural community called Tres Reyes.

When we talked about a story for this blog post, we struggled to keep it to just one. We have been so blessed, but also so challenged by the work to be done, as our hearts break for these kids and families. But we landed on one story told by the picture below of Edgar.

Edgar is 20 years old. He is one of seven teens plus five others who are visiting us from our Monterrey campus. Edgar came to Cancun on his first mission trip to serve the orphans at San Jose and Esperanza. But the BEAUTY here is that he himself is an orphan. He lived in Casa Hogar Galena, outside Monterrey and then moved onto the Back2Back campus in Monterrey so he could finish high school and then go on to college where he's now studying sports science. He is here this week serving the orphans and impoverished because he too has a heart for and clearly understands what these kids are up against. So with Mari (5 yrs old) on his back he is giving back by loving and serving those in need, in much the same way that he was and is being loved so well by the Back2Back staff in Monterrey. Edgar's redemption story is the fruit of many investments made by so many others before us. That's what we're about! And I believe this is exactly what God has called our family to here in Cancun, Quintana Roo, MX. We're feel so privileged to be serving with Back2Back. Thanks to all who are helping make this possible, by partnering with us and supporting us.

These are three of the kids who live in the rural community called Tres Reyes. Back2Back has been able help a couple families in Tres Reyes; working on one home and building another. Gloria has six kids. Lucy, her oldest, is 16 and has a 11 month old baby named Ruth.
This is Gloria in her home. We delivered food, diapers, and other supplies that she desparately needed. And then we prayed over her and her family.

Nick was the life of the party as the kids at San Jose got horseback rides from him. It's sooo cool to see him laughing and playing with them and the joy on their faces as this big Americano gets down on the ground to give them a ride. Nick is doing awesome and has had a lot of fun both working and playing with the kids we serve. I'm so glad God is using him. The nuns at San Jose wanted to thank us so they served us an amazing meal of empanadas and tostadas.

Pastor Victor (the one in the white shirt) allowed us to serve him and his family and friends a meal. And then he told us his story of how God miraculously rescued him from a life of crime. After spending several years in prison for drugs and stealing, God invaded his life and made it clear that He had another plan for Victor. We are in awe of where he came from and how God is now using him. Victor has planted four other churches, and now pastors this church in Tres Reyes. B2B partnered with him to complete the roof on his church and provide a feeding program for the people in this community once per week this summer.  

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